July 27, 2023

Doraemon’s Popularity Around the World

Doraemon is loved around the world by children for its amusing story and light-hearted fun. The cartoon has grown in popularity over the past five decades.

The comic series features a bespectacled boy named Nobita and his robot cat Doraemon. The manga is incredibly popular in Japan, and it has been adapted into an anime series several times.

1. Japan

One reason for Doraemon’s popularity is Japan’s long tradition of folklore. The country’s yokai (spirits/demons) and Shinto kami (gods) are complex characters, not always benevolent but capable of both good and evil. They also have a more nuanced understanding of human nature than their Western superhero counterparts.

In addition to the teleportation powers, sweet bean pancake addiction and ingenious gadgets of the chubby cat with a ringing bell on his neck, the manga and anime series reflects this traditional Japanese culture of the complexities of good and evil. It also doesn’t shy away from fart humor, with Nobita ingesting a special potato that allows him to talk from his butt, or the “booty-tooty” stories that feature the dunce boy’s friends.

Japan’s neighbors in Asia first encountered the yokai-inspired, gadget-driven manga through pirated editions of the series that emerged from Hong Kong in the 1970s and later spread to Thailand, China, Taiwan, South Korea and other countries. Those pirated versions continued even after legal editions based on the Universal Copyright Convention began to be published.

However, the show’s critics in Japan say that its reliance on gadgets encourages children to depend on others rather than solve problems themselves, as reported by the Nikkei. They’re especially critical of Doraemon’s 4D Pocket, which has a number of gadgets including an anywhere door and bamboo copter.

2. China

Although the manga and anime series have long been popular in China, Doraemon’s popularity skyrocketed after its adaptation into television. As a result, the cute robot cat has gathered legions of fans across the world, becoming one of the most famous characters in history. The manga and TV show have been translated into 30 languages and the franchise is even considered an ambassador of Japanese culture.

It’s not hard to see why Doraemon has become so popular around the world. The cute little guy has a variety of cool gadgets that allow him to solve any problem. His teleportation device, Anywhere Door, is probably his most well-known invention. He also has a time machine, car simulator, ice-construction set, fashion bug, super food seasoning, portable holes, real-item encyclopedias, and more.

The show’s world is recognizably Japanese, and many children may identify with the societal attitudes and characters featured in the series. Additionally, Japan’s lenient attitude towards pirated cartoons helped it to gain widespread popularity in Asia and Europe.

While these factors contributed to Doraemon’s success, there are some who argue that the franchise is promoting Japanese imperialism. One editorial from Chengdu Daily News said that recent Doraemon exhibitions in China were merely an attempt by the Japanese government to subvert Chinese culture. The article cited some of the show’s themes as being especially harmful, including the importance of respect and friendship.

3. South Korea

Many popular animes from Japan such as Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, One Piece and Neon Genesis Evangelion are characterized by fantasy and otherworldly settings, characters and occurrences. This may explain why the popularity of these series in the US is often linked to a feeling of exoticism. Doraemon, on the other hand, is based in typically ordinary Japanese settings and does not include a lot of fantastical or alien themes.

Doraemon has a strong following in South Korea, which is perhaps due to the fact that it is one of the only consistently aired animes on TV there. However, there are also other reasons, such as the likability of the main character Nobita, who is a lazy elementary school student bullied by his teacher and the likability of Shizuka, a kind-hearted girl with whom he likes to hang out.

Another reason is that the show focuses on topics and issues that are appropriate for kids, such as courage and the power of friendship. This may be why it was able to withstand the anti-Japanese protests in China when Stand by Me Doraemon was released there in 2015 and went on to become the first Japanese movie to make a profit in the country. This deep-rooted popularity of the chubby cat has given the franchise its own unique charm in Asia, and is still going strong today.

4. Europe

As the anime series adapted for television, the robot cat’s popularity spread across the world. While the manga had a slight presence in Europe before, the television adaptation caused its popularity to rise exponentially. In fact, it is widely believed that the anime adaptation of Doraemon is more popular than its manga counterpart.

It is not only children who enjoy the show, adults too are hooked on this charming animated TV show. The show is a staple of Asian pop culture and has made its way into movies, merchandise, video games and even theme parks. Its endearing characters and catchphrases have managed to capture the hearts of people all around the world.

In the world of Doraemon, technology is never shown to be dangerous or harmful. It is portrayed as something that makes life easier for humans but also brings with it unintended consequences that are humorous and amusing to watch. It is a cartoon which serves up anodyne and character-improving lessons for kids – don’t be selfish, don’t cheat.

Although Doraemon was first aired on American television in 2016, it is still relatively unknown and under-appreciated compared to its reception in Asia. Some speculate that it is due to the series being viewed as too Japanese and not fitting in with the American mentality. Additionally, the protagonists in Doraemon often rely on their gadgets, which may be off-putting for American viewers

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